Brett Battina - Beltman Group (Chairman)
Ron Milewski - NAMA Executive Director
Various sub-committees are formed and exist on an 'as needed basis' in an almost 'virtual' mode and when are finished with their task objectives are disbanded or relegated to stand-by mode in case they are needed again in the future or as a product/program evolves to a new level or goes thru a significant change or upgrade. They are brought together with an eye to members, both agent and SIRVA, who have subject matter expertise and engagement levels and ability to vet and test ideas at the stage of their development in any given process, and report back to SIRVA and work with them on development, test, implementation, and on-going improvement. This approach is taken because most IT changes have impacts in many areas of the agency family and the van line reporting structure, such as administration, accounting, sales and operations, and as such, perspective from each of these specialized areas must be obtained, and there are very few individuals who are experts in all areas, so this is why the multiple discipline project committee approach was implemented, and the results have supported this structure's continuation.